Thursday, March 11, 2010

the most amazing candle. ever.

Another thought. Have I told you how obsessed I am with these candles? The Black Currant and Cassis is my favorite, but the beautiful blue jar is absolutely irresistible and the Island Song smell is quite summer-y, so I like to switch it up! They fill a room with amazing-ness from the second you light it... And they are sold at none other than the lovely Anthropologie!

welcome back spring!

Spring has sprung! It was so pretty and warm out today... a nice change from the torrential rains from yesterday. I actually did a little sunbathing by the pool! As you can see there was not a cloud in sight... Is that not the best color blue ever?!

I've done a little painting this week... little is the key word here. Classes have been quite crazy. All the teachers have been piling it on. I guess they have to cram every last ounce of work in before Spring Break. It seems this is always the case in my experiences. I did a 1st birthday canvas for Maggie and the others have been started and hopefully I'll have pictures soon! Here is Maggie's sweet cupcake canvas.

And this is a doorhanger I did for a friend's baby shower. I did it a while back, but it's a cute boy something to contrast all of my girliness! 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

sunbathing swag

Being that spring break is right around the corner, I have decided I need new swimsuits. I am obsessed with these! I am so ready for warm weather and a break that I cannot stand it!   


It's almost the weekend again! I hope everyone's week has been less stressful than mine... between classes and my job search there has been little time for my blog, but I have managed to paint some things. This is a canvas I did for one of my teacher friends. I think  the colors are so fun and bright! 

In light of the weekend, I hope everyone gets to sleep in and wake up to a face as sweet as this... and maybe not such a bad hair day!